Gifts of Grace

By grace


Panic buying (1)

When I realised that fresh veg will likely not be so available I HAD to have the joy of rainbow chard.  Last packet on the shelf.

I am absolutely loving how the threat of loss and the presence of death invites appreciation and the recognition of the preciousness of everything and everyone.  A deepening.

I'm quietly gleeful about the removal of spurious choice (e.g six flavours of sausage rather that sixty).

And I'm loving the wisdom that feels to be ramping up online.

Bonnita Roy

"Stay home one day at a time. Think of it as practice for getting out of the rat race once and for all. Don't focus on what you are giving up. Imagine what you might gain. We have not been able to go to the monastery to do this. The monastery came to us."

Also her piece on Medium today "Don't Go Back to Normal."

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