
By wiizzz

Spanish Midterm

Sloane lost. Oh well, I had a feeling she might not win. There's always hope for The French Open!

I studied this morning. Well it wasn't exactly studying but it was a drastic improvement from last night.

I really don't want to talk about how the Spanish was, and by that I mean I'D LOVE to talk about it. Everyone thought it was hard and I kind of agree. The listening was semi difficult, the reading was pretty difficult, the multiple choice was easy, and the writing was a coin flip. I was the third to last done today so I broke my pattern but there was only 5 minutes left anyway.

AND I WAS FREE. But I had to walk home. The sun was really strong and it was really cold so I couldn't see but I thought I took a stunning picture. MY FINGER WAS ON THE LENS. Sadness.

Later my father and I got my eyeglasses adjusted and I had Smashburger for the first time. It was pretty good!

Now I'm watching garbage television shamefully yet shamelessly.

That girl Giovanna Plowman...I seriously don't understand people.

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