Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Fading Forecourt

I quite liked the overall look of this, but there was more than the lines and structures that prompted the photograph. This forecourt is situated just a little way down Katoomba St (my choice for the One Street project), and it seems previously was surrounded by numerous businesses, and the Katoomba library. Now, nothing. Empty storefronts with real estate signs in them. The library has moved to the new Cultural Centre close to the new Coles plaza wossname; I presume the shops have perhaps done so as well - though I actually don't know.

So I also don't know what I think about the new development. Big, bright, shiny ... But what might it do to the old Katoomba? The smaller shops and cafés, the street-front stuff.

Look larger if you like.

More amusingly, when I got to work, I found that the Access Team nurse manager and I were well set up to deliver a special brand of co-ordinated care. ;-)

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