Sundown ...

on another day of not normal (and a backblip).  I'm now part of a small delivery group - it's been a steep learning curve and my respect for postal and other delivery service people increases, and more so as am increasingly aware of how these and other front line staff are risking their own health to enable other people to access food, prescriptions and other essentials.  There is a hive of activity here as people are trying to get systems in place to help those who are self isolating.  The shock and anxiety is palpable and today quite a bit of time was spent talking (2 metres separation at least) with people trying to come to terms with huge changes to their way of life.

The other end of the spectrum - on FB last night a Londoner posted on the Mull Help & Information saying they were planning to come up on the 4th April "to escape from the madness here" and just wanted to check that things were open.  Well .... and someone timed it ... they removed their post before 7 minutes passed, by which time they'd received some well placed local advice.  There have been other posts like this and then when residents have tried to politely explain the lack of infrastructure, health services and fragile food supply (and please dont come) they are responded to with some pretty nasty comments.  Apparently we are being unreasonable in asking visitors not to come and for  trying to maximise the chance of keeping vulnerable people alive.  Some people's moral compasses need re-calibrating.

I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted but please please please do not head to islands and other rural areas with limited health and other services and food supplies.  People are starting to really struggle here, we might have a view but we are not living in the land of milk and honey.

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