
By CleanSteve

Common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis)

When Helena came home after the market she went to have a cup of tea in the cabin, which had been warmed by the sun. Bomble joined her and I chased flowers, bees and birds around the garden with my camera.

A large bumble bee made me smile as it bumped around shadows and the sunlit flowers. In the wilder parts of the garden some lungwort which arrived some years ago on the wind has carried on thriving and is looking beautifully colourful. This bee was rather attracted by it and was a pleasant surprise in my viewfinder.

Edited update:
Mollyblobs has kindly identified the bee as an Anthophora plumipes – a hairy-footed flower bee, for which many thanks.

Apparently Common lungwort is a very early wild flower mainly found in light deciduous forests. It likes to grow in large carpets under trees. It is also an indicator of unpolluted regions, which I'm pleased to hear, suggesting our garden is in good shape.

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