Mothers Day with a difference

I think we Mums will all remember Mothers Day 2020 for the obvious COVID19 reasons..... no visitors, no big family gathering or meal.

Despite this, we are all still feeling the love, with cards, gifts, phone calls, skype, facetime, social many ways we can all still keep in touch these days, without breaking the social distancing guidelines.

My blip today are the gorgeous flowers that have been delivered.....there was a box of chocolates too, but I can't blip those, because we have already eaten them lol!!!
Yes I know, not SW friendly, but not had any chocolate for a while, so really enjoyed them.

We were going to go out for a walk along the canal, but having seen some images and reports of the amounts of people out and about we thought better of it.

Instead I popped round to Tesco for milk, a newspaper and some cheese, thats all, then we sat in the Summerhouse & read the papers, had lunch in there too, then spent a good 2/3 hours working in the garden.....lots still to do!

Weve had pork chops, peas, sweetcorn, roasted tomatoes and sliced potatoes, done crispy in the oven for dinner.

Now to catch up on tonights viewing, lots to watch on a Sunday evening, thankfully.

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