Afternoon walk

What a weird day! 

Up at 5.30 to go grocery shopping (yes, I got pasta!! But so many shelves are bare, what are people doing?!) 

Work for me this morning, then home to look after the boys this afternoon.  We went for an amble - out for almost 2 hours.  I borrowed the work camera and got some beautiful pictures of the boys. 

Goodness only knows how we are going to entertain the boys for the next three weeks (minimum!).  It's going to be quite a battle, but they are being amazing.  Am trying not to regret our move, and miss our somewhat larger house which at least had an ok garden we could mess around in.  I would seriously have made a different decision if I had any inkling... but of course, that's the whole point, non of us knew. 

Evening spent working to 'catch-up' on everything, which is the new routine.  

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