
By Bitblonde


So I've been ranting about scores of people out and about in groups hanging about in packed parks and beaches...

So today kade and I took 2 of the dogs along to one of those beaches... except we went to the private side where hardly anyone goes, because it's so hard to find the track to get down to it.

Met up with my other son and my daughter and their dog's and had the whole beach to ourselves.

It was so great to have my kids to myself and we stayed far enough apart and didn't hug hi or goodbye.

Get home, bath the dogs, make a late meal and sit in front of the tv just in time to hear Boris announce a lock down for the UK.

SO IT HAS HAPPENED! No seeing my kids or grandkids for at least 3 weeks. But this needs to happen.

Kade and I will be fine. I have a phone and wifi, food and heat. I plan to do all those odd jobs around the house and garden and a spring clean... BRING IT ON!

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