Fat Balls

There was a Robin sitting on the bird table while we all had breakfast. Poppy instantly claimed it as a pet and Alfie named him Batman. He's been around all day, seems quite friendly.

It was nearly this one.
or this one.

Thoughts always appreciated.

The pain of paying personal tax today, never a pleasant thing to do, still I can rest in the knowledge that the money will be spent wisely (ahahhhhahahahaha).

Also progress with builders today, we have a plan, things are going to get sorted. I will reveal more when I can (secret eh).

The other excitement is Poppy starting photography club at school. She was so excited when she got back, it sounds like they had a fantastic time, I can't wait to see the results.

Time to make green curry now, need to mend my gin and tonic first though.

Have a great weekend.

Much better large

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