Tiny Tuesday - Mystery

I’m sure you’ll find this an easy mystery! Something relevant to the situation we find ourselves in!

Our system of not seeing the customers face to face is working perfectly thank goodness because there has been quite a few today picking up their equipment. Things are looking pretty empty now as there has only been a few things coming in.

I wish I could buy a stand alone freezer because it would mean I could stay completely away from the shops. Unfortunately they are as scarce as hens teeth and so I must make a dash to the supermarket in the morning. I’ll be wearing my COVID 19 outfit - gloves, mask and wrap around safety glasses!! If it wasnt so hot i’d be wearing a hoodie as well!!

Toto had to have number 2 injection of 4 for his arthritis this morning and I put my COVID 19 outfit on to go around there but the nurse came out and met us in the carpark with her full cover up gear and did the injection out there. Toto didnt even notice it had been done!

My lovely bookkeeper of 20 years handed in her notice today as she’s just been diagnosed with lung cancer poor dear thing! She’s been unwell on and off since late last year but they couldnt figure out what was wrong. I will miss her so much and she’ll be hard to replace. Its been a sad and strange day!

Things are locking down even more after today, i’m finding it hard to keep up, but I’m pretty sure i can still go to the supermarket! I’m sure you’re all going through the same kind of things where ever you all are in the world, take care of yourselves and your loved ones I’m always thinking of you all and hoping you’re safexxxxx

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