Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

When Workhouse Becomes...

......Work in the house.

This is virgin territory for me as I have never worked from home before. A technician needs his workshop. But I have got some work together after getting my head round the work portal and One Drive. Plenty for me to do. I installed Solidworks onto my laptop earlier today as I have machine parts to make on the 3D Printer, which I've brought home with me. Mrs Tuttle cleared a load of clutter from the small bedroom, which will be my new office/playroom/den/man cave. This will be the fun part if my work-come-self-isolation period. There are more monotonous bits of paperwork to do that often get put to one side when surrounded by students 5 days a week. Lets hope the homely temptations stay put.

Tutyle Jnr will be in the same boat.

As will Mrs Tuttle.

The mobile phone ban starts tomorrow at 8.45am......

.....wish me luck.

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