Keeping fit

WhatsApp correspondence has been overwhelming today. I’ve never gone to bed with so many unread messages. Corona chat is leading to an even greater boom in the use of social media. Trillions of messages must be being sent.

My sister and I walked her dog Chester in the parkland developed from the old Silverdale Colliery in Newcastle-under-lyme. The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t lessened Chester’s ability to be the focus of all attention at any time. My sister encountered a creepy 83-year old fellow dog-walker called George who talks to her at the Colliery and who has told her she is ‘fit’. It was patently clear that 50 years ago he’d have been the type of guy harassing barmaids whilst his wife was at home with young kids, but always able to sail through life putting misdemeanours down to banter with the lads or ‘just the way things are’.

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