The second half of life..

By twigs


That's it - we're in lockdown as of midnight tonight.  "Stay home" is the message.........maybe for 4 or more weeks.  Yes, we can go out for essentials like the supermarket, yes, we can go for walks or bike rides in our neighbourhood, no, we can't meet up with friends for coffee, no we can't buy takeaways, yes, we can exercise our pets, no we can't go to the beach or the shops (they're all shut!)

Two things I've heard have struck a chord with me:
In wartime, people signed up to the army to go away and fight for the country, risking life and limb in the process.  We're fighting this 'war' sitting in our living rooms, drinking our nice wine.

Secondly, that our immediate 'war' on COVID-19 is requiring us to stay at home with [possibly] limited supplies and limited access to many of the things we've come to expect for around 4 weeks.  In my parent's time, they lived through a war that lasted 6 years during which time they had limited supplies and limited access to many things.

Our lockdown is nothing compared to what others have gone though before - we will survive and we will thrive again in the weeks, months and years to come.  

Personal pain for global gain.

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