Smiley Mr. Gollum

Morning walk with the boys.
20 mins training with Gollum.
Afternoon walk with the boys.
Grocery Shopping.

That's my day!

Today has been crazy busy at we are trying to make sure we have masks, gloves, hand sanitizer etc. for the staff. It's a big job these days.

I talked to Helle on the phone this evening and I realised how much the stories I tell her have changed. The highlights of the news I had for her today: 
- I found a small bottle of hand sanitizer I didn't know I had in my bag.
- The man in the shop charged me too much for my groceries, so I had to take cash from him as he had to give me money back. I don't touch cash at the moment as it is a virus risk!
- The hand sanitizer in the shop was some home made stuff, that I don't even know if works.
- One of my staff members have been tested for Covid 19 and we don't have the result yet. 

Not long ago a hidden bottle of hand sanitizer was not really news!

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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