In my [ locked down] garden ........

.......spring is definitely on the way. There is absolutely no excuse this year fro not having a summer ready garden is there! We have spent the day completing the post winter tidying and pruning and N painted the garden shed. It was lovely out there ...warmish and no breeze .....just lovely and easy to forget all that's going on in the world. Oh ....we also did our first online WW meeting ...went quite well ......think I'm going to need it as the desire to snack is quite high sometimes .....especially as I am a 'comfort' eater :( So far so good however so hopefully the online meetings will help to keep that up.
We saw Mum this her only carers we are visiting each day to ensure she has enough food and is actually eating properly. having been great last week she's a bit less sanguine this week which is to be expected I guess. We left her with first episode of 'The Crown" to watch on Netflix in the hope it'll give her an interest other than the pandemic. Hope you all continue to be well out there :)

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