The supply chain.

Another bright , warm and sunny day in ‘almost’ paradise. After breakfast I phoned my cousin Mr T in Australia to check in with them. They live on a small farm (by our standards) near Attunga. All was well with them and the awful drought they were enduring has now broken. 

Mr Tbay had to go to the undertaker with socially selected clothes for Mr H. He was also able to pick up the Service Sheet for the girls to look at and make any alterations. Due to the Corvid 19 restrictions it is a much reduced service . He then went off to pick up the items I had ordered over the phone from Winterstoke Decorators. If we are going to be in lock down we will be doing useful stuff! Lots of work ahead.

I was busy cooking most of the morning. I had an assortment of vegetables to use up and made some soup which turned out to be very tasty. I once again was able to sit outside for my morning cup of coffee and enjoy the lovely sun. 

The hens have started to lay quite well again. What a bonus even if it is only a couple of eggs a day. 

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