Thursday's Painting...

......I started my first online art group teaching session today. It is with my art group. We normally meet every Thursday, but obviously not now in person.

For their first project I gave them this to read with a suggestion we do a sky each day that is outside our windows

And said they could use any medium...watercolour, acrylics, crayons, collage, or even digital. Or a daily photograph.

They don't know my digital painting that you see every day from me.

So I just did a very simple digital painting and posted it just now within my art group. They love it and want to try it out themselves now....

So here is my simple digital painting of the sky outside my front window.

So I will also post here every Thursday of an idea, the project I set them for the week, and my painting on it, whether it is digital or painting with a brush.

So if you want an idea or inspiration it will be here on a Thursday.

This will be my daily painting for today.

Now to work on this to best present this same subject to my grandchildren. They are getting a weekly art project too


I had decided to make one final trip to the shop. And to the post office to get a whole pile of stamps. so that if I don't really want to go into the shops after this, I can at least go down to a post box and post any letters and postcards I have, and in this way still being able to do my Postcrossing swaps.

The post office lady had got in some Welsh stamps for me which was very nice of her so I brought all of those she had in.

It came to 40 quid.

Social distancing with taped out distances in this food shop I went in. Great I thought, brilliant, until customers coming in push past me or push me aside to get the very thing I was reaching for. One guy was an enormous heffalump with his trousers sprawling halfway down his massive bum cheeks and he didn't give a s*** about anybody. And he used his body weight to push me aside.

I did not react, I didn't even look at him because that would have probably been more body contact.

I then did the rest of my shopping and I only picked one or two items instead of the three I could have done, because I want to leave things for other people even though I'm trying to do a shop to make me last as long as possible.

Anyway I got to the till and the till lady had seen what was happening. She said nothing but that don't mean that in a bad way her eyes just looked at me. Have you got everything you need she asked?

Yes, I said, I want to stay at home for as long as possible. Very wise the shop lady said. And then she said, you can take 3 of each item you know. I know I replied, but I want to leave some for others.

You have to think about yourself, she said, you want to come out as less as possible, and, she continues, I think there is a memo you are only going to be able to have two of any item. Would you like another two of the single items in your basket? Yes please, I said. And she went and got them for me.

And because it happened like that, I did not feel bad about it.

Then she wants me to disinfect all my shopping when I got home, and put the non perishables in a box for at least 3 days because the coronavirus can live on surfaces.

She doesn't know I have been doing all this for well over a month now. I thank her for advice.

I come home, disinfect all the shopping before I take it in the house. Then I disinfect my car...the steering wheel, drivers seat and all that area, door handle etc, and disinfect my walker.

Then disinfect the handle on my gate, and the kitchen door, then I strip off (outside) and then put all in the washing machine.

Then shower.

I am not going out for at least 4 weeks...

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