New Arrivals (checking the place out)

I had to make a quick trip to town today for some political admin, and while I was there I popped into the library and then the supermarket. There is no lockdown in Sweden and life seemed to be continuing as usual, albeit a new "usual" where you don't hug or shake hands, and keep a little distance between yourself and others. The flour section of the supermarket looked a bit sparse but otherwise it seems normality has returned to shopping.
On my way home I found this couple wandering around the field next to the road. I think they are new arrivals, flying up here after overwintering in northern Germany, Holland or the UK. The lakes are still mostly frozen so they will have to make do with small areas of open water, or the sea, to safely sleep. However, there are grassy areas filled with lots of nutritious goodies and they seemed happy with this one, with grass that has already started to green and was a fair way from any trees where the fox or lynx may be lurking.
Is this their summer residence, or just a staging post on their journey even further north. Only time will tell.

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