New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


Today was the first day where I braved taking the big camera on the bike to look for a blip during an isolation cycle.  The camera was double-bagged in its own case and then the saddle rack, which seemed to work quite well.  Luckily no crashes and broken cameras today.

I took a poor route choice today, I've been experimenting with trying to find the quietest roads for the one bit of allowed exercise outside the house. Not only were there many walkers of the with-and-without dog variety, but other cyclists, joggers and horse riders too.  Everyone seems to have similar ideas for their daily exercise. Today's route also saw three lots of temporary traffic light on the route, including one where the timing of the lights didn't allow for a slow cyclist to get through the works before the other lights changed...cue a very angry woman in a car ranting at me because she thought I'd jumped the lights :(

But in better news, on the route back I stopped to blip a bridge and a few meters later noticed this pair in the field, so the bridge and the bike blip were looked over in favour of a brand new baby pony, because baby pony.

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