Lockdown: Day 3

A dreamy night and up at 6. I opened the downstairs curtains at 6.10 and saw the washing going on the line next door. 

Another walk around the block for our daily exercise and I came back with only one photo on the phone.  We saw three people.

Early afternoon I drove to Windermere for a supermarket shop, For days I’ve been considering the pros and cons of going to either Sainsburys or Morrisons in Kendal but in the end decided on Booths. I took wipes to clean the trolley handle and hand gel for the routine I’ve got into. I joined a queue of 5 outside and inside it was very orderly with people respecting the recommended distance rule ……. except for a couple in hiking boots! 

I got everything on my list and a bit more, though tried not to look at the prices. Best of all I found tagliatelle!  By the time I reached the wine section my (small) trolley was looking expensive so headed straight to the tills. 

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