Flycatcher -Eastern Phoebe

The day turned quite lovely and warm so when my husband expressed a desire to go for a run, I agreed to drop him at Sycamore Landing along the C&O canal which is very close to my favorite spot Hughes Hollow.  His plan was to run a couple of miles on the canal, out and back and then meet me at Hughes Hollow. 

This was just what I needed.  There were a few of these flycatchers out so I was pleased to get a shot.  There were various ducks,  a snake and a bull frog.  It's still pretty quiet.  The drive out was gorgeous with all the trees flowering.  

I am sorry I will miss the Cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin this year.  They have shut down the metro stations nearby and all the adjacent roads to keep people away, but there are still more people than should be down there.   I will wait for next year. 

Keep your distance and wash your hands. Stay safe, everyone. 

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