The second half of life..

By twigs

Day 2 - Rain

The garden has experienced some mixed emotions today - it was getting quite excited about the rain that's been falling this afternoon, which was enough to get me a bit wet when I went to get some milk from the farm vending machine but not enough possibly to restore normal moisture levels to the soil.  Every little counts though.

Day 2 of lockdown - more cleaning (which I rather enjoy in some weird way). Sadly, no bike ride this afternoon because of the rain.    Nice to see it clearing now.

I think this leaf is crying tears of sadness because of the current situation.......  There have been a further 76 confirmed cases and 9 probable cases today but the news that saddens me most is that one person is in critical condition in ICU here in Nelson.  Hoping and praying that the medical teams can pull them through.

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