Friday 13th

What a nightmare of a day! Definitely Friday 13th for us today; Anya still off school as she was up in the night with a headache. Quick trip to the shops as all seemed ok this morning and Anya wasn’t bad. She then threw up in the car in Lidl car park, a woman then threatened to call the police because I left a crying baby (Max) whilst I took Anya out to try and clean up. Then she got a rash on her face, I thought probably from being sick but thought best ring the docs to get her checked. The docs were only running a call back service and advised me to ring 111. After waiting nearly an hour on to 111 they told me to wait for GP call back. At 5.30pm docs finally rang and we went down. It turns out she has shingles!! Just what we need. So it’ll be a very chilled weekend here; not going anywhere and on double virus watch now...
Thankfully Max was happily distracted by a tray of sand and his tractor in the garden.

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