Walking the Dog - 56

Good to see this family taking their daily exercise by walking : probably to the local park near here.
Our local council has had to close many local carparks as people are now  driving to beauty spots to picnic, bbq and meet friends as if this is a national holiday.
Just what does it take for people to get the message that we are staying at home or close to home in order to save lives?

A bright day is rapidly turning grey and it is much colder.
Had a bit of a wobble this morning when l thought about my grandchildren, l do miss them, 
I’m sure l am not alone in feeling this, but it will pass.
So far today we have done Mr P’s  physio and he could manage sit on the side of the bed unaided. Unthinkable weeks ago. If only we could get him into the wheelchair, but we are working on it.
He gave himself a ‘real’ shave instead of using the electric razor and l’ve started to give him a haircut, only managed the sides as the carer came. 
We changed the bedsheets to take away the tickly hairs so he will have to wait until l tomorrow for me to finish the job.
He would make a good entry for Silly  Saturday but l wouldn’t do that to him :-))
Expect there will be quite a few of us experimenting with DIY hairdressing in the coming weeks!
My geraniums have weathered fairly well over winter and this last week has seen the green leaves really sprout up, decided to take some cuttings in case they get caught out by a frost.
Did two loads of washing, currently making a ragu in the slow cooker, will split it into three and freeze two thirds for later.
On a whim l made some brownies and because l won’t be seeing our grandchildren l could add walnuts, see extra.
Isn’t food photography difficult?
Saw that my friend  Evolybab) mentioned Jane Eyre is on TV later , l will be watching that too. Thanks C.
Hope you are all doing ok, take care my friends.
We can do this.

Thank you for the stars and hearts x

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