Temperatures rising

My day at work wasn’t nearly as stressful as I’d anticipated, in fact I quite enjoyed it.
We started the day with an online workout (as did most of the country it seems) then some cookery, games on the playground and making bug hotels in the allotment area. Only a few children in meant keeping a distance was easier but still not possible with young children being so tactile.
When I got home I could see immediately that Anya wasn’t well. Andrew has messaged during the day but I had thought she was perhaps just missing her routine and normality of school.
It turned out she had a temperature which got higher as the evening went on and she didn’t want to eat, which is always a sure fire way to tell she’s ill!
So we’re now self-isolating for 14 days as per government advice. Let’s hope this is just a little bug for Anya and not the start of the dreaded Covid 19.

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