Remote ballet

Miss Kelly has managed to upload dance lessons to keep Tiny Tots dance going from home and it was hit with Anya. Something familiar and ‘normal’ was very much appreciated and she wanted to do another video as soon as she finished the first.
The rest of the day we spent in the garden; Andrew pottering with plants and the lawn, Max on and off his bike, Anya chasing Max and completing little bits of ‘work’ in between.
Our neighbour has been kind enough to pick up some shopping for us and I’m feeling relieved to have got an online order for some fruit and veg from a local supplier.
The figures for Corona virus are rising rapidly and today we found out even Boris Johnson has it! I try not to read the news at the moment but it’s difficult to ignore completely. I worry about some of the children from school and what life might be like for them now and how long for. And of course, like all of us, I worry for the people I love.

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