And then it snowed...

The day dawned bright and sunny but then clouded over, and as we ate a rather late breakfast, after a rather late night out, we noticed a few isolated flakes of snow coming down.
A bit later we went out for a walk and as we walked those isolated flakes returned, then slightly more snow, and before we knew where we were it was pouring out of the sky in a wonderful way.  The rather grubby world turned pure white again and the branches on the trees were picked out in white outlines.
I wandered down our hill to the lake at the bottom, found my way to the edge of the lake and took this picture, looking down the lake.
When I got home I was a bit surprised it was already 6 o'clock. Then I remembered and smiled to myself as I watched the snow falling outside. Last night the clocks had gone forward and we were now on "summertime".

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