What a time...

A friend said to me today on the principal lifeline that is WhatsApp: what a time to be alive. It is a chapter of all of our lives that will never be forgotten, whether defined by tragedy, disruption, change or the sheer fascination of watching it all play out.

This morning the cat waited until I stirred to claw me, which was progress. Tomorrow when I’m sleeping I’ve just got to remember not to stir. As this is literally the only time of the day that the cats switch from disdainfully ignoring me to clawy inquisitiveness, it’s definitely ‘get me food’ over anything friendly.

A friend who is on lockdown in Stevenage messaged to say they were experiencing snowflakes, which was not what I wanted to hear. With fewer commuters and schoolgoers it would in fact be the least disruptive time that we could have snow however I’m mainly against it as it feels far too cold for late March. I went for a bracing walk around central Cambridge, Lammas Land, Coe Fen and the minuscule Paradise Local Nature Reserve. Thank goodness I brought some gloves back with me from Mozambique, which is where all my clothes are these days. I noticed a woman carrying a takeaway coffee cup and became consumed by the need to buy one, both as a warming beverage and to enjoy a dose of normality. I finally found somewhere open amongst the wind tunnels of the city centre, such as this spot on Trinity Lane.

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