A whole week in lock down....................... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Today Ann has been feeling mega motivated. Actually that's a bit of a lie. The sun was shinning so she spent two hours this morning just sitting on the balcony reading trashy magazines. It was wonderful. And did she feel guilty? No she did not. Because in these times of uncertainty we just have to do whatever makes us happy.

Obviously I had to go out onto the balcony and lie there with her.

And after 2 hours in the sunshine Ann felt motivated enough to come back in, sort out a load of paperwork that she's been putting off ages and then make a fish pie. Just how fabulous is that?????

Then I went for my afternoon walk for a couple of hours. I went up the 'secret path' because Ann thought she'd be able to let me off my lead there. The 'secret path' runs between the Mortonhall Golf Course & the Buckstone Estate. The 'secret path' is no longer 'secret' because the whole of Edinburgh seem to have taken up jogging, dog walking where have all these dogs come from, and cycling. Ann kept me on my lead and there were zillions of squirrels that needed chasing. Grrrrr................. Those pesky little squirrels were really annoying me. They were deliberately running in front of me because they knew I was on my lead.

Oh well, ho hum I had a lovely walk and I'm zonked out now.

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