Happy Roo

By ksfbonkers

It is all very strange!

So, what I want to know is why my people's is at home all the time at the moment and why is Joe so bored that he is doing strange things like measuring my height?  33.5" by the way.

My peoples thought I should show my face on Blip as it has been a long time and a lot has happened since I was last here.  

My main news is that I have a girlfriend - Tina is her name.  Strangely I haven't seen her for a few days and I am told that I will not be seeing her for a little while but at least I have my peoples around me and I am having walks every day - mostly to my favourite places!  Also, my peoples has assured me that they have plenty of my favourite dinner in my cupboard.

I am a very lucky dog!

So for now - wishing you all good health and happiness in these very strange times.

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