
By mindful_life

Mono Monday - Point

It has been a while since I blipped but here marks the start of my revival. I guess now I have more time on my hands I can blip more easily and also have time to catch up on the journals of those who follow me and who I follow.
We are all in this unprecedented situation of being indoors all of the time and it is a huge adjustment for all. I have actually been keeping my own diary of the headlines and how I have been finding each day as I think it might be something I want to read in the future.
The biggest changes for me and my family have changed day to day. For my children they have lost their sports, which they say is worse than missing school. My daughter was used to 16 hours a week gymnastics training and actually missed her national seeding competition which should have been 2 weeks ago. My son was used to swimming 5 sessions a week and land training and has missed galas because of the cancellations. The loss of the physical exercise is dramatic but also the social interaction that they have lost because of it.
In addition, there is of course the adjustment of learning from home which is an adjustment for us too. We are so far sticking to a timetable every day and it is working ok although of course there are elements that are more difficult because they aren’t keen on the subjects!
For me, I was working flat out until the end of Wednesday when I got a call from my boss that I am being put under the furlough scheme and can no longer work. It was a bit of a blow really as I do actually enjoy my work but I have found out it is the majority of our team so I guess they are doing it to protect the business and hope there will be work for me at the end of it. 
For my photo today, and for the challenge of ‘point’ I had two ideas. One is the ‘point’ on my sewing needle. I may well finish my current piece over the next few months with more time on my hands. The second was the ‘point’ of my bow. I haven’t been able to play my cello since being home mostly because some people don’t like listening to it (although I am quite good so I don’t really understand this). Today I went for a walk with my daughter on our own, rather than the 4 of us going together) and so my son and my husband also walked together giving me opportunity to play my much loved instrument. It was very refreshing and I enjoyed it. I do think I need to find a way to play more over the coming months because it is like a little bit of an escape for me. So I chose the point of my bow. In case you were wondering the other end of the bow is called the heel.
My walk with my daughter was lovely. It rained, it sleeted, we got wet but it was great. We walked over a bridge and I told her of a game I used to play with my grandfather of waving to people and seeing how many people waved back or flashed their lights. We had a go and had one wave back, although there weren’t many cars on the road.
I used to always put quotes on my blips so I am going to continue to do the same. 
Today’s quote is:
“We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and a mystery.” H G Wells

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