Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Self Isolation Day 15

A sunny warm(ish) walk round the Links with Arch this morning. The few folk we met, mostly dog walkers or the odd jogger, are cheerful and wave from afar.

JR was up and doing her fitness regime when we came back. Archie and I sat out in the sun. I scored a nice wee folding table at a nearby bin.

Christine from the gym came by, having been for a run round the Meadows. She was lured through the gate with a coffee, but we kept our distance. Hazel was too busy (she's working from home) to come over. 

Washing done, hung out and dried. Bike done, with the new standy-uppy 'cross trainer' moves. They are killers! So I could only do 20 steps at a time. 

In the afternoon JR took Archie out, while I listened to another 'Discussions' podcast (from ABC). It was about Australia's Snowy Mountains Scheme - an immense undertaking to divert the Snowy River over mountains and through tunnels for hydro electricity and to irrigate the agricultural lands to the west. Mostly immigrant labour, people who were escaping from the depression of Europe after the Second World War. It consisted of sixteen major dams; seven power stations; one pumping station; and 225 kilometres of tunnels, pipelines and aqueducts that were constructed between 1949 and 1974. I also watched a movie with old footage of the construction work. I am in complete awe at engineering feats of this scale. 

JR cut my hair. Nothing new there. She has resigned herself to having to ask me cut her hair at some point. I give Archie a pretty good haircut - it can’t be that hard.

Spot the selfie!

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