Evening drive to the city centre

The fifth week working at home, via remote connections, has started. And finally one quite easy day at work too, a lot to do, but nothing extraordinarily busy. I met my closest collaques in the morning in video conference meeting and I even had a coffee break sometime in the afternoon!

After works a walk in sunny weather with my daughter. And pasta bolognese and green salad for dinner. Today I noticed, that daily cleaning door handles and water taps etc. is almost automatic already.

Later in the evening some Aurora Borealis hunting with my daughter, but seen nothing too clearly, really. It was cold outdoors, just below zero degrees and windy. Ice cover of the lake made strong no ice, like a big humming bird.

As there was no auroras, we drove around in the quiet city and found this statue of journalist, social activist and author Minna Canth (former Ulriika Wilhemina Johnson).
Minna has always been active and alert. Here more about her career in Wikipedia


Ps. Statistics of the day for the record

THL tells that there is 1 352 tested Corona contamination at the moment. 143 hospitalised persons, and 49 of them in ICU. 13 persons have died.
Men lead the statistics with 52 prosents, whereas 48% of the patients are women.

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