
By Madchickenwoman

The Great Escape!

Courtesy of a trip to the vets! I've never been so happy taking Oscar to the vets before! He has been licking his paw again for the last few days, and at times limping. Plus the fact his licking noises drive me insane! Now this is odd as I have ASMR - Autonomous   Sensory Meridian Response. It's only in the last 6 months that I have discovered that what I have had all my life has a name and I'm not a freak! Basically it's a:-

   tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of paresthesia, it has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.

Mine occurs in my right hip and the tingles run down my leg, triggered by repetitive movements or whispering moist mouth sounds! I came across a video on YouTube by chance and found a whole community of people with the same and a plethora of videos! They tend to role play situations, speaking directly to you as if you are the client. The best is this woman - Gentle Whispering. She is Russian but now lives in America. 
Anyway - Oscar's licking does not trigger this response!
When I got to the vets which is about a 20 minutes drive, I beeped as instructed to on the phone and the vet came out in gown and full face shield! She took Oscar and went inside and I waited in the car! I phoned The Exile and asked if she needed anything from the shops and got a list of things from her! Then the vet appeared smiling! It seems he had a new nail growing under the old one which got split  months ago and the old one was flapping which was obviously irritating him!  She was able to simply pull it off! What a relief!
So off we set for Tre Pol and Pen - the delicious farmshop/cafe! They had handwash and gloves at the door and shelves groaning with produce! The only thing they were short of was flour, but they were selling some in polythene bags and I was allowed to buy as much as I wanted for The Exile along with yeast! I managed to get everything The Exile wanted and had an absolute blowout personally! Oh how wonderful to be out shopping with few people and loads of lovely produce! 
On the way back I stopped to take a photo of this rapefield that I had spotted on the way. When I got back in the car I found I was humming the tune from The Great Escape! It really did feel like an escape! I would not have dreamed of driving so far to go shopping but with Oscar and the vet receipt I had a valid reason if the police had  stopped me! 
Once home I got The Exiles shopping and took it up to her. I sat at one end of her garden and she the other and we had a cup of tea! Oscar was delighted to discover the two boys were home!  She is delighted to have them home but they are eating her out of house and home! Two strapping lads! 
Come the evening I took Oscar for his last walk and called by Brummie Girls to give her some Spring onions I had bought for her! I stood across the road and threw them at her! She was delighted with them and with the red ribbon I had tied round them! 
What a great day! 

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