Church bulbs

I planted bulbs in the pots at church and they're coming along nicely. Unfortunately the people aren't there to see them so I thought I'd share them on Bilp.
Was up at church for Foodbank and surprisingly we only had 1 client, though 3 people arrived with donations.
There was also planning for providing some meals for local vulnerable people, and how we could communicate when they are identified.
DIdn't seem to get much done the rest of the day as my beading stalled as there's a wrong component and I couldn't get online for ages. Also had a phonecall from my brother so that made it too late to get in the garden before going for a run.
We heard our summer holiday has been cancelled, which was expected, but I am finding having no goals to aim for or specific things to look forward to is making it hard to be motivated. I will have to make different things to aim for and bot be too ambitious.

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