By LaurieT

Another day

I enjoyed listening to another FB livestream talk by the Historian Heather Cox Richardson in the morning, and would happily take every class she teaches!

In the afternoon I did our first Zoom story time with the 5 two and three year olds I care for - and 3 of their older siblings who used to come to my house. It was quite a different experience from the adult online classes I've taught in the past!

Terri took a few pictures to document the event:

Later I received an email from a young friend commenting on how scary these times are. I had managed to keep fear at bay, but her email sent me into a brief downward spiral worrying about how Terri would cope if I got sick. It strengthened my resolve to get the attic cleaned up and my taxes done soon, because I wouldn't want anyone else to have to deal with either of those messes!

I ended the day with some calming yoga and meditation - as I lay on my mat this is the picture I look up at.

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