
By BabyDriver

Imprisonment - Day 11

Imprisonment - Day eleven
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Cycling Statistics
Cars - 20
Motorbikes - 0
Bikes - 2
Dog walkers - 2
Walkers - 1
Runners - 0
Horses - 0
Horse walkers - 0
Molehills - 0
Trailer loads of wood - 2

If I'd have woken up last year and said the whole World is on locked down and no one can be within two metres of anyone else. You'd have shouted 'April fool'
Unfortunately it's still to cold to go cycling at seven and today it was still cold at eight too.
No molehills today so I decided to hang the traps up and leave the non diggers to enjoy the tunnels dug by Digger (dec'd) but the minute another molehill appears the traps will be out again.
The wood cutting was slow again with only two trailer loads cut as I was still cutting up the seasoned oak. After lunch I fitted a new chain which made light work of the remaining oak. I can never sharpen a chain quite as well as a new one. I had another problem with the chain saw as the little gear at the tip of the blade is worn and jammed but I managed to free it off and hope it will last until all the wood is cut. Still all the oak is cut up now and there is only a bay and a bit to fill in the wood store. Tomorrow I've got pine to cut which should be a little easier. I got the chain saw all ready for tomorrow and mixed twenty litres of two stroke oil for stock. I've already used six litres.
Ros was dreading going shopping today as she was not keen on queuing to enter the supermarket but she was lucky as there were only two queuing when she arrived. She is only shopping once a week which seems to work as the last time she went was last Tuesday. Ros going out to shop is the only week link in our defences. She wears gloves and a mask and changes her clothes and has a shower when she gets home.
Ros has thrown a little job my way as she needs a base for a desk light. I cut a piece of circular plywood but need to fathom out how to fix the light stand to it. Still no hurry.

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