Beetle enjoying a Daffodil!

9°C  -  Feels like 5°C  -  26 mph WNW Wind Speed  -  36 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Sunny Spells.  Did my weekly shop today. Had to shop in Aldis and Tescos for things I couldn’t get in Lidls.  They’re all within a five minute drive from each other so it took no time at all.  Lidls was as normal except for some empty shelves.  The cashier told me they got regular daily deliveries but things had disappeared very quickly from the shelves.  Aldis were only allowing one person with one trolley in, so we had to queue to be let in one at a time.  That wasn’t a pleasant experience with terrific 36+++ mph gusts of winds ablowing☹  Tescos were letting you in as normal, but they were wiping your trolley down as you entered the store.  Later while inspecting my pot of daffodils I found a beetle enjoying them  I think it must be a Ground Beetle.  Naturespot  -  see here  -  states that the Ground Beetle “has a long thin head designed for getting inside snail shells to eat the flesh”.  So I’m very happy to see it around!  Or it might be a Vine Beetle, and not so welcome.  Have a look to decide  HERE!

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