Our New Life

By JandH

Lockdown Day 8 - The Study Day

I was so excited this morning when we ventured into the kitchen for coffee.... the butternut made an appearance (I did a mini victory dance because I was beginning to think I had failed)

So far we have 5 out of 6 above the soil. This is the first time I've actually tried to grow vegetables so I still need to research and know what to do with the butternut once they're ready for planting out. I hope I started off the right way.... Wish me luck!!

On to day 8 of this lockdown in South Africa. The weather again has been cool, so much so I cocooned myself in a soft blanky (some would say that I would do this if I just see a cloud in the sky... Yes I am that one person who always feels the cold) I swear I was a cat in my previous life, I spent my childhood wrapped up in a sleeping bag and finding the sunny spots at the front door (which was glass btw.)

Anyway, today I spent my head in books, studying. From one book to another then a few searches on Google... (nocopyrightinfringementintended,othersearchenginesareavailableonline.... said at x10 speed)...
I very much enjoyed the learning today.

Dinner time arrived and it felt like rush hour in the kitchen, but I didn't mind too much because it was the warmest room in the house for a while

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