The Cenotaph, Aberford

Best viewed large, it looked so lovely and peaceful with all the daffs lining the hedge. It's on Bunkers Hill, Great North Road. The Great North Road originally ran from London to Scotland and became the A1,
The Great North Road was a main highway between London and Scotland, it became a coaching route used by mail coaches travelling between London, York and Edinburgh. The modern A1 mainly parallels the route of the Great North Road. Coaching inns, many of which survive. were staging posts providing accommodation, stabling for horses and replacement mounts. Nowadays virtually no surviving coaching Inns can be seen on the A1 because the modern route bypasses the towns in which the inns are found.
A very good write up can be found on Wikipedia

Had a quiet day did washing and baked a rhubarb pie for after tea. The rhubarb is lovely at the moment. Its an early variety, I got odd little shoots over the last few years from my neighbour Davids rhubarb patch, with his blessing I might add, as I used to go pick it and make him a pie or several. They have grown into lovely plants and now make a nice rhubarb bed. Unfortunately his beautiful bed of Rhubarb has been decimated by the new neighbours, who have no idea about looking after things. In fact it has hardly any plants left in it, but mine are now lovely and I can remember Dave when I pick it.

Had a lovely surprise tonight, son Mark messaged me and we had a face to face video chat with him and the girls, Grace and Autumn, it was lovely to see them all and the dogs too Izzy and Jasper. They seem to be OK and were telling me about doing school work at home and going with mummy for a bike ride each day. They were busy with lego building at the time we chatted. Both of my dogs could hear them talking and were getting quite excited because I think they thought they were visiting in person.

Well peeps that's all for today, sleep well, stay safe.
Tomorrow's a day nearer the end of lock-down

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