Rock Hard!

There is a large contingent of people in our world who can’t for whatever reason be told what to do. They are rock hard in their conviction. So in this current season when we’re being asked to change our lifestyles for the betterment of community, this group is not agreeable on a personal level. Their lack of compassion for others is terribly difficult to frame. I don’t t profess to knowing why they struggle with not getting their way. I just know that I’ve witnessed it over and over in my life, but never to this degree of social harm. They care only for their wants. Their wants are more important than the public’s safety. Call it what it is, it’s selfish! Don’t be foolish enough to expect their behavior to change, it won’t because they can’t see beyond themselves to even know how appalled you are. We’re going to have to deal with them in another way. Again I don’t profess to having the answer, but I’m a realist and accepting the truth at least allows me to function with eyes open, and realistic expectations. God bless us!

Pray on,

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