Day 19 - silly Saturday

Another at home today  - seem to have had a few lately and daresay more to come.  Was going to do some washing but very dull and decided to wait until tomorrow - the sun came out later.  Facetimed with Amanda this morning - they would have been up here today so it was good to facetime.  Into the garden and we put the bean poles in and planted half a dozen - I have decided to stagger them this year.  Our Tesco delivery arrived just after lunch and nicely stocked up with food now.
Then my thoughts turned to Silly Saturday and thanks to Admirer for hosting.  As we can now only have social gathering of two people these two toucans turned to the littlest one and said "Only toucan play". I presume the littlest one went off to find another to social gather with.  
Have a good weekend blippers and stay safe  

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