hello again

By admirer


We saw them in Helmarshausen.
In the morning we did our exercises, followed the news, I read in my book, and because of the lovely sunny weather but with the strong wind from the East we decided to drive to Helmarshausen after lunch and walk one of our favourite walks, namely around the Mittelberg. 
It is a landscape we very much like, the big hill, with old trees on top, where some houses stand,
The farmer was on the field, the woman who we always sees at the end of our walk was making her vegetable and flower garden meticulously neat. The door of the barn was wide open, and the cows could have their meal in the sunshine. 
No horses or other animals to be seen outside. No other humans neither, exept in the allotments along the Diemel canal there was activity enough.
Although I hesitated I still went inside the Edeka shop, it was almost 4 o'clock and at Saturday they close at that time. But why not buy some bananas, cloves, lentils and carrots. 
Sitting at the balcony we drank tea and almost drunk of the hot sun I slept for a while.
Two extra silly photos from ealier days.r

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