My life

By pops


So today was the first day I could leave the house following 14 days of self isolation. Morrisons this morning to experience the strange experience that shopping now presents, the to my eldest sisters a chat through the window and then a trip to top up her gas payment card- she has no WiFi or facility to do things on line so it leaves her very dependant on others at the moment. Later a walk with Kevin not many people around but nice to get some fresh air. The extra was taken en route.
Tonight we should’ve been attending a ladies evening in Lytham obviously it’s been cancelled - the organiser suggested we all dress up, have nice food and music and have a virtual ladies evening, so kevin put in his bow tie (with the t shirt he was wearing) and we had a lovely candlelit meal. Later the virtual evening continued with a video sent out of the singer who should’ve been entertaining us on the night. A lovely night had by all.

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