Busy crowbar

If you'd asked me 3 years ago if I was likely to buy a crowbar, I'd have wondered if you were mad. Then I shifted here and discovered the joys of living on an ancient river bed.

Back in January I decided that I needed my own crowbar, rather than always borrowing my friend's. Since lockdown I've used it several times. Buying my own crowbar was a wise decision. Without it there's stuff I just couldn't do in the garden.

This afternoon I've prised out more rocks and stones, and bashed through the annoying Rolleston clay pan. I haven't got the pan everywhere but it's certainly at the back of my place.

Off the end of the back patio is now a clump of dietes grandiflora, South African iris's. It's another tricky spot, either hot and dry or soaking with poor drainage.They've been waiting to be planted for weeks and hopefully they'll be happy.

A good thing about being on the end of a crowbar is that you need to be mindful of what you're doing. You need to be in the moment not ruminating about something. I always wear boots when I'm using it. A misplaced crowbar and you'd have a serious foot injury.

A run this morning with some hip discomfort and a crowbar workout this afternoon. Some serious stretching is needed.

Today's gratitude: For not needing to or to go anywhere.

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