I'd never claim to have a halo. Just yer typical bloke in most respects. Most of the usual failings. May even have some good points. Like trying to help others without any return. To do a good deed. Find it difficulty accepting such things, or returns from others. Indeed, tends to stubbornly refuse them. So not so good. Stuff balances out in strange ways.

When someone other than the intended recipient has a go at me for doing something I donated a fair amount of my time considering, and offering... well, I feel somewhat miffed. Hurt even. Thank you very much. Another failing I suppose. Too sensitive. The sarcastic thanks there weren't too good either. At least I'm self effacing. Aware of the warts, and not hiding them. So there's definitely no halo up there. Not much hair either, these days...

Minor deed-of-the-day, to source some (of the correct) circular lamps for some non-electrically-savvy persons. Good price too. Less than I less bought them for a good few years back. Mind you, that was before Chinese industry stepped up a few gears. Today's persons were grateful. Spirits lifted a bit. But I'm tired and need to get something dealt with. It's been gnawing away at the back of my mind all day. Distracting me, or more precisely, me allowing it to distract me, from my work all day.

This is a back-Blip. Couldn't face the computer when I came home. Too weary, and there's a big local event this weekend that I've been to (with camera) the last few years. Stuff to prepare. Yawn...

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