Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG


Life is feeling surreal these days: empty streets, sequestered households, masked walkers, silent flight paths. I decided to reflect a bit of the surreal tonight in my photo of neighborhood tulips.

I’ve begun calling this epoch or era The Great Reboot. We have an opportunity to shut it all down for a while* and restart in “safe mode.” If we want lasting change, we will need to be smarter, more aware of our impact on the earth, and kinder to each other when we boot up again. Let's not go through all this only to make the same mistakes again. 

I love that so many of us are documenting this important time with photos, essays, art, comics and comedy, poetry, song, dance, graffiti, letters, sidewalk chalk - an astonishing array of expression, creativity bursting out of fear, isolation, reflection, and lots of free time.

* I don’t want to minimize the vital work going on by those who can’t “shut it down” or who don’t have any free time as they battle this virus, risking their lives to keep us well and safe. ‘Thank you’ doesn’t begin to cover it.

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