Random Black Labrador.

Random black Lab enjoying his (very) early morning walk this morning. Luckily I'd got camera in hand when he bounced past.

It's a leap year this year, so in fact this is the last one of my first full year of blipping. I've certainly got into the habit of blipping, and although sometimes it's difficult to feel inspired to come up with a picture, usually something turns up. At the start of the year I hoped it would help to improve my photography. I think it has in as much as I actually think about taking a photo a day, even if it's with my phone, I have to think about composition if nothing else.

The news has been quite depressing today, so much talk of the symptoms of the coronavirus, and families talking of loved ones lost, and the way they could not be with them at the end.  A lot of coverage of how the Prime Minister is fairing in ICU. It'll be good to have the distraction of camera club Zoom meeting tonight. It's competition night, so always good to see everyone's photos. I may treat myself to a cheeky 'school night' glass of wine as I watch!

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