a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Tiny Tuesday: Nine

One of the tulips in all its multi coloured vividness.

I think I might have overdone it a bit over the last few days, before I was quite ready for it, as I seem to be very tired today. I've very sensibly taken it easy in the sunshine today, and an early bed is definitely called for.  

As a measure of that tiredness, I even forgot to put the memory card back into the camera and took a series of shots this afternoon that didn't get saved.  What a dope.  You would think that the red warning on the camera's rear screen might have tipped me off! So I have had to take this shot this evening in the twilight.   

At one stage I had hoped to be able to take a shot of the pink supermoon tonight, but it is far too cloudy now and its forecast to say that way, so there will not be an opportunity.

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