Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Lockdown day 25

A busy day with one thing and another. Cleaned our kitchen area (part of the open plan patio room). Swept and wiped down everything on our balcony. Gave our bedroom a top to bottom clean - emptying the shelves of all our books and the double shelves coffee table of all the big photo books, washed the windows inside and out. Swept our inside stairs. We need to keep on top of things so that it’s not an impossible task for our one-a-week cleaning lady when things return to normal! I'll keep working round the house doing sections every day.

Made a lemon meringue type dessert - Bb's favourite. BB cooked dinner, which was a kind of stir fry with pork fillet strips, veg and rice - very nice.

A first for us was taking part in the Sofa Singers webinar tonight - great fun and the song was 'You're just too good to be true'. Once you get over the slightly strange feeling of it, it's good for the soul to blast out the lyrics and see everyone else on the screen, all ages and from around the world, doing the same! Uplifting!

That was my second webinar of the afternoon. The first being work-related, but still interesting.

Balcony clapping, of course, at 8pm.

My blip's of the shelf in our bedroom above our bed and they are all typical Brazilian things, which we bought when lived there. One of the advantages of doing all the housework is that you notice things more and appreciate them. You also appreciate how many things need dusted and cleaned!

So many stories of loss on the news and people's strength and hope moves me to tears while reading accounts of it all.

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